Attack of the Diablo Cody fans

I recently published a review of Diablo Cody’s new series, United States of Tara, on Trashwire. In the review, I talked about how I tried to get into the show, but found the teenage dialogue so annoying that I just couldn’t make it through a second episode.

As I was getting ready to go to bed last night, I saw that a few people had already responded and even had a couple messages in my inbox about the review.

Apparently Cody is a sacred cow in this crazy series of tubes that is the interweb because people were downright pissed that I’d described her writing as anything less than stellar.

I think the big misconception was that I was talking shit about her personally. I like her. I (usually) like her writing. I like that she represents chick writers and the relatively unknown person becoming superfamous and all that American Dream stuff. I have no beef with her. I just don’t think her series is good, at least the pilot episode, anyway.

I think her writing is a lot like those Vote for Pedro shirts where everyone loved them so intensely and then they were completely overexposed.

Juno, like Napoleon Dynamite, was a phenomenon when it came out, a stellar film with fantastic writing, direction, and performances all around. But soon everyone had a hamburger phone or wanted to learn to play songs by The Moldy Peaches with their boyfriends. After the cultural smothering that ensued, it was hard to watch the film again and still appreciate all the stuff you thought was rad before every 18-35 year old hipster jumpped on the bandwagon.The film is still awesome, but it’s like hearing Chamillionaire’s song “Ridin'” after hearing the Weird Al version a zillion times. You can’t help but laugh and think about the parody, so you just can’t take the original seriously in the same way as you did before.

So to all the Diablo Cody fans who think I’m trying to dis your goddess, I’m just putting in my two cents like I always do on Trashwire. If you love the show so much, I welcome you to write a review yourself and (if it’s good) I’ll publish it on the site. Use the contact form to send something in.

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