A little over a week ago, it was reported that Lindsay Lohan got into yet another fight, this time with actress Michelle Trachtenberg, at a club in Miami.
MSNBC reported:
“The “Mean Girls†star caused a stir at Miami Beach’s Shore Club recently when she spotted Trachtenberg across the room.
“Those two hate each other, and Lindsay started screaming, ‘Get her the [bleep] outta here!†an “eyewitness†told the tab. “She was threatening to get physical and actually fight Michelle, saying, ‘I’ll kick her [bleeping] [bleep]!â€
Lohan reportedly left Shore Club shortly after the outburst.”
I was a little confused at first whether they were describing Lindsay Lohan or a Betta Fish. Let’s compare the two.
Wikipedia tells us that the Betta, or Siamese Fighting Fish as they’re also known, is a fiercely territorial creature. You might have seen them in the pet stores in little individual bowls or bags near the fish section. Betta fish are kept separated because, if housed together, “they will likely fight until one of them dies.” In fact, all sources discourage having two Betta fish in the same tank because, “experiments in housing males together often end in the death of one or both inhabitants of the tank.”
Is this really what it’s come to with Lindsay Lohan? She can’t even be in the same bar with another of her species or she feels the need to establish dominance over her territory? She’s really no different than a male Betta fish. I wonder if she also lashes out in a tirade when she sees her own reflection in the mirror, only to be pulled away by her assistants or publicists and reassured that it was only her reflection and not another alpha female trainwreck actress like, oh, say Tara Reid.
Sometimes Hollywood is more like something out of Animal Planet.