“They took errrr jeeeeerrrrrrbbbbs”

I tend to spend a large portion of my day of reading really racist comments on the work facebook page from horrible people who will take any opportunity to spew their hatred when it comes to immigration. It’s not just on stories that have to do with immigration either. These people can find a way to make anything about immigration. If we have a story about puppies wearing funny hats, they’ll figure out some way to launch a tirade about Obama, people from Mexico or a blanket statement about all liberals.

You can imagine how exhausting that might be for someone like me, so when I come home, I turn on the tv and zone out until I fall asleep. When I flipped on the tv today, my Tivo was recording the “Goobacks” episode of South Park. If you haven’t seen it, the full episode is online at southparkstudios.com.

This was the part that was on right when I turned the tv on:

I wish I could line up all those people who post all that awful crap online and force them to sit down and watch this. Maybe they’d be like Stan and learn something.

Why I love Clark Duke

Chances are that if you talk to me for more than 15 minutes, you’ll hear me say something about how I love Clark Duke. I constantly quote his lines from ClarkandMichael and he can make any movie worth watching. This is really just one clip in what should be a 200 part series on why Clark Duke is awesome, but here’s his appearance on Leno from yesterday.

Go see Clark in Hot Tub Time Machine on March 26th, and definitely check him out in ClarkandMichael.com

My South Park season 14 review is up now on trashwire.com

Last night marked the premiere of the 14th season of South Park with Trey Parker and Matt Stone taking on the Tiger Woods sex scandal. The controversy was handled in typicalSouth Park fashion, which usually involves the current event being tied to a conspiracy that might destroy the world. Nobody makes fun of disaster flicks like Parker and Stone and this format has served the show well over the past 13 years. As they say, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. This season should be no different with the show bringing the jokes while skewering current events….

Read the rest at Trashwire.com