Free brush inspired by old school Nick

I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube videos about ’90s nostalgia and got inspired to make this brand new Procreate pattern brush. It reminded me of something you’d see on a wall at the old Nickelodeon Studios in Universal Studios on a summer break from school back in the day when every kid wanted a big orange couch, when getting covered in green slime was a badge of honor, and when the biggest drama in your life was deciding which Scholastic books to order.

90s Nickelodeon

You can grab the brush for free here.

3D Alexis G logo

Trying out new styles

I love all kinds of lettering, from super elegant scripts to blocky letters. I’m slowly trying to learn new ways of creating letters so I can try out different styles. After watching a recent tutorial by the ultra-talented Lauren Hom on GoodType‘s Instagram, I got totally obsessed with her 3D style.

Here are just a few of the pieces I’ve made as I practiced.