Why does M. Night Shyamalan get to keep making movies?

Why does M. Night Shyamalan get to keep making movies?

Trey Parker once sang, “Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?” and after seeing The Happening on DVD, I’m beginning to think the same thing about M. Night Shyamalan.

Once the brilliant young newcomer, Shyamalan’s talent seems to have completely dissipated, leaving only ego and self-importance. Like the Kanye West of cinema, he seems to believe that every film he’s made since 1999’s The Sixth Sense is the greatest thing ever to grace the screen and those who criticize or question his work are simply unworthy of his genius….

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Netflix Instant Watch now available for Mac!

While I’m partial to crediting Barack Obama for every good change that’s happened in my life the past few days, this one comes from the peeps at Netflix. Yes, Mac users are now free from the tyranny of having to watch movies with Windows virtualization software.

Today, I received an email in my inbox that broke some of the best news I’ve heard in–well, in a couple of days.

Netflix Watch Instantly now available for Mac

So naturally, I fired up my new MacBook Pro (yes, I have the latest and greatest MacBook Pro, thanks to a very generous donation from my grandma) and decided to try it out. Not only did the movie load in a few short seconds, but the quality was amazing!

With the crazy economy, I had to downgrade my Netflix service to a lower plan to save a few bucks. Now I no longer feel additionally ripped off that I pay the same amount as Windows users, but can’t utilize all the services.

Anyway, this was huge news for me since I love Netflix, but I love my Mac even more.

All Harrison Ford movie covers are created equal

While browsing Netflix today, I discovered that the poster/cover art for almost all Harrison Ford movies is pretty much the same.

It’s a picture of Ford, usually in black and white but sometimes in color, furrowing his brow and looking kind of concerned. Then there’s some kind of red text or additional graphic element to make it flashy and action-packed.

Don’t believe me? Check these out…

Firewall        Patriot Games        Clear and Present Danger

Air Force One        K-19 the Widomaker        Witness