“This is so tits!”

Diablo Cody posted this on her Twitter today:
Diablo Cody uses 'tits' as an adjective
Which reminded me of this:

Trey Parker and Matt Stone have been using “tits” as an adjective since episode 402 of South Park over 8 years ago.

It seems that many people are using “tits” as an adjective these days. In fact, if you check out Jesse Blaze Snider’s MySpace page he talks about how much he loves South Park and states that the show is “totally tits.”

I think it’s rad that something like this is becoming popular. In fact, it’s “big fat Oprah tits” that people are finally starting to use this South Park phrase.

I love Bret and Jemaine of Flight of the Conchords!

I’m going to be writing a review this weekend, but for now, here’s some pics from the Flight of the Conchords show in Denver.

The guys were totally gorgeous and really friendly! They even signed my CD. I told Bret about how I quit my job today, so he wrote, “Congrats on leaving your job. now you can start a band.”