Quick tutorial – Adding textures to existing lettering in Procreate

You’ve done all your lettering on one layer, but now you want to apply a foil texture to part of it and not the entire layer. Don’t worry! You can separate out the words and apply foil where you want without having to worry about recoloring or erasing anything. This quick tutorial takes you step-by-step through the process.

Pick up my foil texture mandala kit on Creative Market or Etsy to try this technique with a beautiful mandala stamp, and view my first tutorial about adding texture to a layer here. Continue reading

Paint streak iPad lettering by Alexis Gentry

Paint streak lettering is my new favorite thing

If you’ve checked out my Instagram stories lately, you’ve probably seen some paint streak lettering. Prior to trying it out, I had seen this technique all over my feed from talented letterers like @ipadlettering and @stefankunz, but I had no idea how to do it. Then Myriam, the brilliant letterer behind @halfapx posted a quick tutorial in her Instagram story. I knew I had to try it out, and I completely fell in love with the technique and now all I want to do is make more of these.

Here are a few I’ve done using the streaky texture technique.

If you want to learn how to do it, check out Myriam’s tutorial here:

I just released my first font and I’m super excited about it!

I’ve wanted to make a font since I got my first computer in 1993. I’ve always love typography and lettering, and a font seemed like a natural extension of that. But making a font seemed really complicated and difficult, and I could never really figure out how to do it. Recently, I took an amazing class from Every-Tuesday on how to create fonts from your hand lettering. The result was this, my very first complete font.

I decided to call it Sweet Revenge, a reference to a classic My Chemical Romance album because it had a grittiness to it, but it was also kind of pretty, which reminded me of Gerard Way and the gang.

You can download Sweet Revenge on Etsy (otf and ttf formats only) or on CreativeMarket (otf,ttf, and webfont versions) right now.