Thoughts of the evening

I saw two rather unusual things while driving down Colfax today on my way home from Target.

First, there was a big, tall, blond girl in a non-hooker cocktail dress who was flashing her ass at cars a couple bocks from the Bluebird. I know what you’re thinking, are you sure it wasn’t a dude? The answer is yes. I’m almost certain it was not a dude. Though I don’t know how certain I can be considering I was driving by and only caught a glimpse of this bizarre display.

Another amazing Colfax observation today was a morbidly obese man–like the kind of obese where you’re on the Discovery Health Channel for not being able to leave your house–quickly walking across the street around the same location. It was a bit shocking because usually when you see someone like that on tv, they physically can’t walk across the street.

No word on whether the obese man and the butt-flashing woman were somehow related.

There’s a website that has a giant collection of old TV theme songs. It’s pretty awesome. You can check it out at

There’s a guy named Patrick who has a website about cartoons and kids shows of the 80s and early 90s. It too is pretty awesome.

On a related note, I really dig

This concludes my arbitrary thoughts of the evening.

I’m a “local lady blogger you should know”

I was featured on a list of Denver bloggers on

My personal blog, “Don’t You Talk Ugly to Me”, made the list along with a mention of Trashwire! Awesome!

Here’s what they had to say about yours truly:

* ‘Don’t You Talk Ugly to Me!’

This blog contains the thoughts and ramblings of Denver gal Alexis Gentry, the creator and editor of, a pop culture Web site. Gentry is a George Washington University grad who works for the Colorado Film Commission. From super local to national happenings, ‘Don’t You Talk Ugly to Me!’ will fulfill your craving for celeb gossip/news in an ironically not-so-trashy way.

Check out the whole list on