I completely forgot about this parody from Chris Rock until I stumbled upon it while cleaning out my iTunes library. This has so many quotable lines it’s hard to keep track. My faves are “The ODB couldn’t have possibly committed all those crimes! Coolio did some of that shit.” and “Why spend the next 20 years in jail because someone smudged your Puma?”
Category: Video
All I want to do is watch Clark and Michael
For those who don’t know, Clark and Michael was an internet series starring Clark Duke and Michael Cera and it’s my favorite thing to ever come from the internet. There were only 10 episodes, but those contained lines I still quote to this day, most of them coming from my comedy crush, Clark Duke.
Here are a few of my faves:
“If there’s one piece of lettuce in my hard shell taco, I’ll but it down, whole building.”
“Her ass was shaped bizarre. It was like two globes of two different planets colliding.”
And of course, there’s Clark’s pitch for his secret show, “D.A. Dad”:
“It’s about a single father of three that’s also a district attorney for the city. That’s the genius of it; the complexity. You got it on two levels – you got it on parallel rails running down: a theme on one side, and character arc on the other. We’re going to nail that 18-34 market. He thinks he’s teaching these kids but these kids are really teaching him.”
More episodes: Continue reading
Michael Jackson directs the California Raisins
As most kids of the 80s will remember, Michael Jackson was animated as a California Raisin. Here, he gives direction on how to animate the characters in the commercial. If you do not think this is cute, you have no soul!
I love this man!
And here’s the commercial…
The 3D printer blows my mind
This is one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen. Normally, I have a vague idea how stuff works, but this is totally beyond my comprehension.
I wonder how this will change copyright laws. Imagine getting an expensive pair of designer sunglasses and then just making a 3D copy instead of buying another pair. Or what about printing out casino chips? When these eventually come down in price and become available to your average consumer, expect to see a lot change with regards to who owns the copyright/patent for a physical object.
Celebrating MJ
Today marks the two year anniversary of Michael Jackson’s passing and, instead of feeling sad, I decided I’d celebrate MJ by watching some of my favorite videos and performances. Here are a few clips from my all-time faves, in no particular order: Continue reading