My ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’ non-spoiler review is on Trashwire

I think this review took longer to write than anything I’ve ever posted! I had a lot of thoughts about this movie, and even then I didn’t really explore all of them, but here’s my review of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Also, I’ve proven that I’m the biggest nerd by talking about gravitational lensing in a Star Wars review.

I tried Abbie’s destroyed photo tutorial and it’s great

Chances are, if you have an iPad and you use Procreate, you’ve watched at least one tutorial by Abbie from Uproot. Not only is she an insanely talented artist, but she’s also one of the most creative people in the iPad art game right now and she’s practically a scholar in Procreate. Her tutorials make everything so easy to understand and try out yourself, so I was pretty excited when I finally had time to try her destroyed look tutorial. I played around with the method for a couple of profile pic ideas last night while watching TV and this was the one I liked the most.

Alexis Gentry profile pic using Abbie Nurse's Destroyed Look Tutorial

Give it a try for yourself with the tutorial below and see if you get as into it as I did.

Yay! My iPad Pro is working again!

Welcome Back - iPad Lettering by Alexis Gentry

My iPad was acting super weird over the past few weeks. I kept getting the “iPad storage full” message, even though I knew I had at least 30 gigs of free space on it and whenever I tried to open the Settings app, the whole thing would crash. After researching for days, I concluded that the only thing to do was a full backup/restore. I’ve had this iPad for a couple years now and have thousands of Procreate canvases on it, so I was terrified of losing it all, but I knew it might be the only way to get by favorite Apple device working again.

This weekend, I manually backed up all my Procreate brushes and canvases just in case the iCloud backup didn’t work. Then I erased the iPad, started the iCloud restore, and hoped for the best. It took a full four freaking days for Procreate to load from the iCloud backup (the icon was grayed out and I couldn’t open it) but once it was done, everything was exactly where it should be. So happy to not have to manually restore all that stuff! The “storage full” message is gone and I have almost a third of the total storage space free again. I have no idea what the problem was in the first place, but it’s such a ginormous relief to have my iPad back and to be able to do some lettering on that big screen again!

To celebrate, I’m releasing two new free brushes here and here. The first one is the stipple brush I used in this piece and the second is a dot brush I used for this one: