Today marks the two year anniversary of Michael Jackson’s passing and, instead of feeling sad, I decided I’d celebrate MJ by watching some of my favorite videos and performances. Here are a few clips from my all-time faves, in no particular order: Continue reading
Category: On my mind
The South Park art show is my heaven
I just saw a tweet from @lynzway about a South Park art show in NYC. As I was clicking through the pics, I realized that Mrs. Way herself had a piece in the show, seen below. So, this finally makes a clear connection between two things I really like (My Chemical Romance and South Park) and completely explodes my mind grapes.
More amazing South Park art at
My review of An Idiot Abroad on Trashwire now
Tonight marked the US premiere of An Idiot Abroad, the travel show featuring The Great Orange-Headed One, Karl Pilkington. The series already aired in the U.K. and I was filled with jealous rage when I saw all the tweets and blog posts about how funny it was… but alas, it wasn’t available in the U.S.. I was reaching the point of ordering a PAL DVD player on Amazon just to be able to watch the series in its entirety. Thankfully, Science Channel solved my problems and announced that they would air the show right here in the good ol’ U.S. of A. The first episode, which featured Karl visiting China, aired just a few hours ago. I watched, tweeted like a mad man and wrote up a review of the show within a couple hours of the original air time.
Here’s a little slice of my review:
Before Ricky Gervais was pissing people off at the Golden Globes or writing the original version of The Office with friend and writing partner Stephen Merchant, he was marveling at the brain of Karl Pilkington, a radio producer assigned to the duo for their program. In fact, anyone who has listened to the widely popular Ricky Gervais Show podcasts or watched The Ricky Gervais Show on HBO is familiar with the musings of this “little, round-headed, bald, missing link, chimp-like buffoon”, as Gervais has so sweetly labeled him.
In the new series An Idiot Abroad, airing here in the U.S. on Science Channel, Gervais and Merchant send Pilkington on a trip around the globe to see various wonders of the world. Pilkington, who barely adjusts to the social protocol of his own culture, tries to wrap his little round head around foreign food, art and customs…..
You can read the whole thing on
To my pure delight, Science Channel actually tweeted out a link to my review to all their followers. They were all over Twitter during the show, posting replies and RTs to all the Pilkie fans out there. They did a kick ass job with social media and I couldn’t be happier that they distributed the link to Trashwire.
Check out a clip from An Idiot Abroad after the jump…
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Two trashy delights on one Netflix page
I was searching Netflix earlier today for Trapped in the Closet (that’s a whole ‘nother story) when I noticed that The Expendables was listed on the same page as R.Kelly’s delightfully tacky “Hip-Hopera”. Either Netflix knows that I love fun trashy crap like this or it’s some wonderful coincidence.
My top 10 movies of 2010
It’s that time of year again! Time for every film blogger on the internet to put out a top 10 list. We’ve whipped up a list of our own with some of our favorite movies of 2010 from comedy to drama, indie to big budget Hollywood productions. Some of these are Oscar-caliber and some are… well, some are definitely not, but we still loved ‘em and they’re all worth checking out. So here it is,’s top 10 of 2010.