My Planet of the Apes review is on Trashwire

My review of ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’ is up now on Check it out at In short, I really liked it. If you see it this weekend, tweet me at @AlexisGentry or @trashwire and tell me what you thought.

If you had told me a year ago that I’d really enjoy the prequel to a 1968 Charlton Heston movie starring James Franco and a bunch of CGI chimpanzees, I would have seriously questioned your ability to predict the future. Fast forward to today and I would have asked you for the lottery numbers because Rise of the Planet of the Apes was actually really fun. … Read entire article »

The GoDaddy guy sucks!

So, by now, most of you already know that Bob Parsons, the CEO of GoDaddy, killed an elephant in Africa. I think that’s horrible. His excuse was that elephants were destroying crops, but to me, this is like when people living in mansions in the mountains say a bear was digging through their garbage. If you live in a place where there is wildlife, and you just keep encroaching on that wildlife, then yes, you will probably have a run-in with an animal. Just like with bears, if you leave your garbage bin open, leave food out or even leave bird food everywhere, you’re basically asking the bear to come over. In this case, people are on elephant land, growing crops that elephants love and then being angry that elephants are eating those crops. You can call me a hippie if you want, but I think that’s so wrong.

As I tend to do with most things, I’d like to express my feelings with this clip from South Park. In this early episode, Stan’s Uncle Jimbo and his friend Ned talk about hunting animals, including endangered species, to “thin out their numbers”. Continue reading

My top 10 movies of 2010

It’s that time of year again! Time for every film blogger on the internet to put out a top 10 list. We’ve whipped up a list of our own with some of our favorite movies of 2010 from comedy to drama, indie to big budget Hollywood productions. Some of these are Oscar-caliber and some are… well, some are definitely not, but we still loved ‘em and they’re all worth checking out. So here it is,’s top 10 of 2010.

See the list at…

My TRON: Legacy review is up on

I really wanted to talk about the way technology is presented in film and the way it’s used to make films. It’s a little more film geekish than my usual reviews, but check it out and tell me what you think.

Through out film history, there have been films that have changed the game using technological innovations. Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Lord of the Rings and more recently Avatar became milestones for filmmaking because they used new technology to show us things beyond our wildest dreams. The original TRON was very innovative when it was released almost 30 years ago because realistic computer graphics were still a ways off in the future and more traditional methods had to be retooled to bring the film to life. Disney’s 2010 sequel, TRON: Legacy, uses the familiar CG we see in every movie to try to bring us the next chapter in the story, but the sleek filmmaking techniques of today don’t always bring the same awe factor.

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I am in love with the SING video

Gerard Way in My Chemical Romance's SING video

The latest My Chemical Romance video is up on Youtube now and it’s stunning. If this video was a dude, I’d marry it. Visually, I love the blue tone and the way the light overwhelms the frame at times. On the performance side, the guys do some acting and it’s more like a short film, telling a real story, than a music video. I have loved everything with this new record and I can’t wait until it comes out on the 22nd.

Check out the video after the jump. (I’d recommend watching it in full screen.) Continue reading