Moonwalk font available now

I’ve worked on several fonts since taking Teela’s amazing font making class. The very first one I released, Sweet Revenge, got its name from one of my favorite albums, Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. You can pick it up on Creative Market in OTF, TTF and webfont versions or get the OTF version on Etsy.

When I finally finished my second font and realized the texture looked like moon rocks, I knew immediately what I wanted to call it. It’s no secret that I’m a gigantic Michael Jackson fan and keeping in line with the musically-inspired names, I present to you (drumroll please) Moonwalk.

You can download Moonwalk from Creative Market or Etsy right now. If you use it, I’d love to see your work so tag me on Instagram so I can check it out.

I just released my first font and I’m super excited about it!

I’ve wanted to make a font since I got my first computer in 1993. I’ve always love typography and lettering, and a font seemed like a natural extension of that. But making a font seemed really complicated and difficult, and I could never really figure out how to do it. Recently, I took an amazing class from Every-Tuesday on how to create fonts from your hand lettering. The result was this, my very first complete font.

I decided to call it Sweet Revenge, a reference to a classic My Chemical Romance album because it had a grittiness to it, but it was also kind of pretty, which reminded me of Gerard Way and the gang.

You can download Sweet Revenge on Etsy (otf and ttf formats only) or on CreativeMarket (otf,ttf, and webfont versions) right now.

My Zenni Optical addiction

I just got my 12th pair of Zenni glasses today, and I think that counts as an addiction. As a glasses wearer, I always used to have one pair of glasses that I paid a ton of money for and lived in constant fear of accidentally breaking, but then I found out about Zenni. I know I sound like an infomercial right now (“there’s got to be a better way!”) but I really do love their glasses. They’re super affordable—I literally paid under $12 for several of the pairs I have, and that’s including prescription lenses—and they come in tons of really fun styles.

Some of my Zenni Optical glasses

A few pairs of my Zenni glasses

If you want to give them a try, and you absolutely should because they’re amazing, you can use this link and save $5. The ones I just got are #4413825, if you’re interested.